On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Tim Shoppa wrote:
Al wrote:
"Hex Star" stands out like a sore
thumb. Everyone else on this list
uses their real name, not a "handle".
There's a couple of respected folks here using handles but they've been
doing so for at least a decade.
The concept of "screen names" has some "classic" elements esp. w.r.t
BBS's (some legit uses) and phreaking (completely non-legit but somewhat
respectable in a techie sense.)
I grew up not with BBS's but with E-mail lists and Usenet and had used
my real name there enough that the only time I use a screen name is when
I want to hide who I am, something only rarely done.
I've been using my handle since the early 90s and have been active on the
list since somewhere around 1999-2000. List members who've met me in
person know my 'real' name as do many whom I've had a lot of email contact
with over the years. I really don't see it as a problem myself, but I grew
up using BBS's and Usenet which Tim mentions above. *shrug* As for
phreaking...no comment...'course anyone who knows me well knows I'm a
comms guy...so :)