--- jim stephens <jwstephens at msm.umr.edu> wrote:
I don't know if the owner of the site is here, but
was interested in a
machine that could run a tcp/ip stack, and what sort
of design it was.
The only other member of the webring is here
There were actually half a dozen or so sites on the
webring the last time I looked. Perhaps most of them
have been slashdotted as well. :(
www.homebrewcpu.com guy is Bill Buzbee. He used
to work at my company, and was one of my interviewers
when I joined. A nice guy, and very much a software
guy, which makes it that much more cool what he's
done. Although Bill's machine is running the
fanciest software of the machines on the webring,
Jim Doran's machine is a rather close competitor:
Jim used CMOS, but the D16 hews to a similar
design philosophy, and has a similarly beautiful and
over-the-top front panel.