On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com> wrote:
> Very
*very* few people's careers are going to involve programming
> computers. One in a million, maybe, if that.
On Thu, 5 Jan 2012, Ethan Dicks wrote:
Estimated number of "Computer
Programmers" (Seried ID EEU80737101) - 700K
But, how is "computer programmer" DEFINED for the purpose of those
numbers? ?(What categories are available?)
I completely understand the limitations of Federal job designations,
but this is what I was able to pull up, and at least shows that "one
in a million" is a vast undercount. I was not trying to suggest it is
an all-inclusive/properly-exclusive statistic. I'm certainly willing
to stand behind "less than 1%" of the workforce programs computers for
a living, but how many slivers of a percent is it really? A few,
If there is no category for "website
designer", do they get counted as
The definition given where I got the stat does mention that
"programmer" _might_ build websites, so it likely covers folks who
wear many hats but may or may not include workers who only build web
sites. It's unclear.
"I PROGRAM in DreamWeaver!"
Yes... I've heard that. I try not to react in an antagonistically
offensive manner (but I often fail trying).
In the opposite direction, I remember when computer
programming was not
one of the choices for business activity on IRS 1040 schedule C - had to
choose something like "computer related manufacturing"!
The first time in my life I ever applied for unemployment, the best IT
definition for my former job would have been "VMS System
Administrator" (called "System Manager" at the time, which happened to
make the situation worse since I did not manage subordinate
employees). There was nothing even remotely close to that in the
Federal Job Register. I was declared a Mainframe Systems Programmer
and was required to apply for 1-3 matching jobs per week to maintain
my status to receive my weekly checks. I don't think it's a shock
that I wasn't actually qualified to be employed as a Mainframe Systems
Programmer, so 100% of the leads for State jobs that were funneled my
way by the Job and Family Service folks were a bad fit. Eventually, I
found gainful employment on my own with no assistance from the public
safety net (and the benefits paid for by my previous employer meant I
could keep my house and eat).
I started my career as a contractor, paid on a 1099, and filing a
Schedule C (talk about growing up fast)... I seem to recall the same
paperwork dilemma you had, and my accountant picked something similar
for that blank as well.