[Z80-SIO .vs. 7201]
I found exactly one difference so far.
The 7201 seems to have a TX char counter which the SIO hast not,
but the most is identical.
The 7201 has a interrupt vector engine that fits to the 8086/88 and
supports only the INT Mode0 on Z80. This and the different Pinout is the
main Difference.
The bus itnerface signals are rather different too.
Thanks tony, I've got a datasheet for the 7201 and the 7201A, None that
mentioned a 7201C...
Everything I've seen suggests that the final letter describes the package
-- 'C' is a plastic package, 'D' is a ceramic package. I have a 7201D on
an HP150 CPU board, and this is a ceramic package.
So the 7201 data sheet will cover it. I am not sure abotu thignsl ike
temperature range (but I don't think that will bother you).