Main chip is an AMD Z8530PC. There's a PAL and a
MC1488 & 9,
otherwise the rest is 74LS TTL. All socketed. 26 pin internal header.
No external sockets. Date codes are mostly 1987.
It certainly feels like some sort of RS232 serial card, based on the
Well, the Z85030 is a fancy serial chip that does synchronous as well as
asynchronous. And the 1488/1489 are, of coures, RS232 driver and receiver
chips, but I've not seen one without an D-type
socket on before.
The 26 pin header might be wired for a straight-through cable to a DB25
conenctor. I can't think why it wasn't on the bracket, though Have you
tried buzzing out the pins o nthe header togroudn and the 488/1489 to see
if it could be that?
As for what it's for, the obvious classic use fo the Z8530 is the Mac, so
maybe Appletalk. But the buffers are wrong for that. Maybe to talk to an
X25 network or soemthing?