Yep, very common, and once popular 3rd party storage for DEC machines.
I think I have schematics for the controller around here, an 8X300 based
machine I think.
Joe wrote:
Anybody know anything about a DSD-880 8" floppy
and hard drive unit made
by Data Systems Design? (Black rack mount box about 6" high and 28" deep.)
I found several of them today. I'm pretty certain that they came off of a
system tester or circuit board tester based on a DEC computer. The units
had a Shugart 800-1 8" SSDD floppy drive and a Quantum Q2040 8" hard drive
in them and a INTERESTING looking front panel that said "Hyper Diagnostics"
or something like that.
I bought a HUGE lot of 8" floppy disks from the same place. They almost
certainly came from the same systems. The disks contained RT-11 and RSX. I
found that some of the disks had the driver and diagnostics for the
DSD-880. Also found copies of distribution disks for RT-11 and RSX in the
same pile.