On Sat, 5 Jun 2010, Keith wrote:
Gene Buckle wrote:
On Sun, 30 May 2010, Tony Duell wrote:
Please let us know how you made out with this. There might be some common
failure pattern that would be nice to know if mine ever gives up the ghost.
I've shelved it until I have the time & patience to remove the caps.
Those are the last things to check.
There's a ROM on there(DF autoboot ver 2.1 chip),
and at least one PAL chip
(DFS PAL), and maybe another one DTACK?
Is it worth trying to read the ROM?
I've actually got a dump of a newer ROM rev around here somewhere. I
burned one for a guy that wanted to upgrade his. Been a year or so.
Is it possible to reverse engineer the PALs by hooking
up a logic analyzer?
Are PALs normally just combinational logic? No timers, counters, storage,
and so on? Just formulas for combining inputs and producing outputs?
The board still has the +5 to ground short with all the chips pulled. The
only thing left on the board are two electrolytics, two ceramic or
tantalums and a few resistors. The resistors checked out.
When I get a chance to work on it again, I'll let you know what I find.
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