The dollar figures were remarkably close,
especially when it was further evident that it was approximately 100
of the Mainframes and 1,000 of the VAX-11/780s. Those numbers were
probably the peak in annual sales of specifically the 11/780, but it
is a ballpark - I'd estimate the total sales between 2K and 5K, not
including 11/785s. They probably didn't sell as many of those, since
most customers did not require dual processors and SMP didn't emerge
until 1988 with VMS 5.0, long after the 11/780 was being sold as new.
The 11/785's were not SMP... they were (IIRC) a fast schottky
rework of the 11/780's ttl which was about 1.5 times an 11/780.
The 11/782 was dual cpu 11/780's with shared memory bus run
master-slave for compute bound tasks with the i/o run off of one
The 11/787 was similar with dual 11/785's on the multiport memory.
I was told the 11/785 was done in DEC Europe as a mid life kicker for
the 11/780 when the Venus 11/790 -- er 11/860 -- er 8600 was VERY LATE
getting built.
Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a
villain in a James Bond movie -- Dennis Miller|