I hope this qualifies for a classic computer. If not then wipe it out.
I have a Nixdorf LK 3000 and LK 3500 module that I was preparing to
put on E Bay but discovered it didnt work. Examining it I discovered
NO BATTERY, Inside there are a blue and a red wire that must have
originaly gone to a battery clip. But I dont know what size or where
it resided. I dont want to get rid of this without fixing it first.
Does anyone have any info on what the battery (pack?) looked like on
thei personal computer?
I am glad I decided to try it out because I had remembered that it DID
work. Shows what 70 years will do to your memory. I dont even
remember removing the battery pack!
Jim Isbell
"If you are not living on the edge, well then,
you are just taking up too much space."