On Sun, 2005-07-24 at 09:25 -0400, Tim wrote:
I don't agree. I remember seeing both spellings
long ago, like back
in 1971 (long before CDs), and wondered then which was or is correct.
Seems like both are used quite readily. I don't have a problem with
either spelling.
Tim R
Thanks for the opinions people :) Personally I've always used disk, but
I don't know why. It doesn't bug me at all people using either, I just
wondered if one was technically more correct than the other. Disc rather
than disk seems a lot more popular on this side of the pond these days,
possibly due to the decline of floppies and use of CDs.
My only annoyance with the variation is when I'm archiving anything
(paper, software, whatever) as I have to make an effort to note which
variation the author used and use the same as they did. Can't think of a
reason where it matters otherwise.