On Friday (07/22/2011 at 10:44PM +0200), Jochen Kunz wrote:
Fantastic haul!
Due to a herniated
intervertebral disk, that caused a partial paralysis
of my right leg, I am no longer able to lift stuff like a RK05, not to
think about a BA11-K with that big mains transformer in the back. It
was - literally - a pain in the back for me to get this stuff into my
flat, even with the help of a friend. Getting this stuff into the rack
will be "interresting". Most likely I'll have to build some kind of a
small crane...
It's too bad about your injury. But lifting that BA11 is a pain in the
... even for those of us without back trouble.
I recently got my 11/34 off the floor to the middle position of a short
"Corporate" rack by using cribbing. See eg,
I cut about (24) 2"x2" lumber to 30" long and then stacked them in
a crib under the BA11, one level at a time. This way you just need
to lift the BA11 approx 2", one side at a time. It goes slow but was
"easy". I stacked enough cribbing to raise the unit up to exactly the
same height as the rack slides. I then pushed the rack (on wheels)
up to the BA11 to engage the rack slides to it. Then just another small
lift to slide it home and remove the cribbing.
Of course, be careful doing this and make sure the cribbing is stable
and square and if the thing starts rocking or wobbling, tear it back
down and start over.
Chris Elmquist