On 8 Jul 2009 at 11:33, Fred Cisin wrote:
The fact that MM mentioned DSDD Kaypro and DSDD Zorba,
but did NOT
mention SSDD Kaypro, nor even Cromemco, prompts me to disagree.
The Zorbas that I've seen (both 48 and 96 tpi DSDD) have 0 as the
head ID for both sides.
http://www.rednil.de/pool/ag/ag6303.htm indicates that MM was
available in versions for Osborne and Kaypro as well as for PC.
We are opining over a fact, speculating about somebody
else's actions.
Why isn't the author HERE? Anybody in touch? IIRC, his name was
something like Mark? Graybill??
Good point. It seems to yet be available through Echoscan: