If you want to avoid shipping you see if there's a
vintage arcade game
group in your area and see what they are looking for. Most people seem to
be replacing tubes with equivalent size panels, though.
There are no LCDs that are 4:3 above 21". Not 25", not 27/29" models.
The arcade geeks have a database of curb found TV models, what tube is in
them by part #, yoke coil ohm readings and neck connector. That way they
can match up 19" tubes to Wells Gardner, Electrohome, Sanyo and other
arcade monitor chassis to replace the burned in tubes from games that
didn't change home screen enough (Pac Man, Ms Pac, Centipede, etc.)
There are people that take classic games, throw in crap 19" LCD panel and
a $40 60-in-1 board and sell them for $2000. But that's not the
: Ethan O'Toole