I tried to pull those monitor signals high, however the effect is the
I thouhgt at least one of them (end-of-frame, probably) had to be a pulse
signal of about the right frequency.
Since I assume you've got a running system, can
you tell me whether the
system tries to launch the autost program from a 9845 tape before,
during or after the power-on memory test (in case the "auto st" key is
latched, a tape is inserted and the system is being switched on)? If the
program is read from tape _after_ the power-on test has been completed,
I'll have to find another way.
Hmm... There's no way I can get to the 9845 to power it up until I've got
various other things off the bench :-(. And I think my tape drives need
new rollers (too many projects, too little time :-)).
At a guess, I would assume it looked at the tape drives only after it had
got the memory test completed, alas.