Arlen Michaels wrote:
on 24/12/04 6:18 PM, Dave Mabry wrote:
All this talk about the Intel iPDS has peaked my
interest, at least for
now. So I have been doing a little investigation on what exactly I have
and here are some of the details.
Thanks for this excellent and helpful description, Dave.
Arlen Michaels
You have one of these beasts, correct? Do you know what options you
have with it?
As a followup on my earlier post, I forgot to mention that the version
of CP/M that Intel sold for the iPDS did include support for the iSBX
251 bubble memory devices as logical drives.
And I wrote a BIOS for CP/M Plus for the iPDS, so that is available if
there is interest. As with the other boot diskettes, I would be able to
supply Teledisk images.