There was a thread here or on the N8VEM-S100 list about putting
different vintage CPUs on a newly designed S-100 boards. I happen to be
cleaning up my office and came across something done back in the day
worth noting on that theme...
In the May 1984 issue of Microsystems, /The Journal for Advanced
Microcomputing/ (Vol 5, Num 5), there is a directory of S-100 products.
ABACUS Technology Systems, Inc is among the vendors listed, and on page
67 they have a 1/4 page ad for their PC11 product - right next to a
similar ad for the Lattice C compiler. This board features a T11 with
32KW of RAM, and runs RT-11 v5.0 with compatible I/O devices emulated
somehow by a CP/M program (presumably running on an 808x/Z80 card in the
same chassis).
Here's the full text of the ad:
PC11 Gives You DEC RT-11 on S-100
[B/W picture of board]
o PDP-11 Compatible Instruction Set
o Includes RT-11 Version 5.0 Operating System
o IEEE-696 S-100 Bus, 8 Consecutive I/O Ports, Switch Selectable
o 64K Bytes of Memory on the PC11 Board
o Uses 8 Inch Disks Compatible with DEC RX01 and RX02 Drives
o CP/M Interface Program Emulates Standard DEC I/O Devices
o Supported Devices: Console, Printer, Dual Single Density 8 Inch
Floppy Disk Drives
o Other Devices May Be Supported By Custom Programming
CP/M is a Trademark of Digital Research Corporation
PDP-11 and RT-11 are Trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation
ABACUS Technology Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 740918
Houston, Texas 77274-0918
or call (713) 777 - 0401
So, anybody have one of these boards? Or did anybody on the list use one
back in the day and care to comment on the experience?