On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 08:02:26AM +0100, E. Groenenberg wrote:
Googleing for something else, I came across the museum of the Dutch
'Hoogovens' steel melting & manufacturing plant (now called Tata steel).
Apparently they have a PDP-5, a PDP-8s, a PDP-8e and a PDP-11/34 in their
collection & display. Pictures can be seen at
text is only in Dutch.
Apparently the PDP-5 was the first process-computer in the Netherlands
at that time (1965) and was used in the oxysteel division to analyse the
steel for quality & contamination using spectral analysis.
Nice to see another -5 and -8/s that has survived :)
Can't be much more than five PDP-5 systems left.