I'm trying to put together some pages on the VAX
and have put them
up under my computers section
<http://www.mcmanis.com/chuck/computers>. One of the pages is a
pricing guide for VAXen :-) Now that should start an interesting
discussion :-)
I don't have much to say about your VAX pages,
but the PDP-5 stuff caught my eye. I foolishly allowed
a friend to dismantle one many years ago; all I got
out of the deal was the front panel. Mine doesn't have
those rectangular slots(?) over on the left side and
one of the switches is different (it's got a really
long handle on it); I forget which switch.
It's my understanding that the modules the PDP-5 are
built out of are called System Modules. They predate
the flip-chip modules.
Roger Ivie
Not speaking for TeraGlobal Communications Corporation