Quothe Fred Cisin (XenoSoft), from writings of Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 08:13:09PM -0800:
Hewlett-Packard is hoping a little green will help make computer owners
recycle more of their old tech gear. The computer maker is testing a
no, they are hoping that a little green will help make computer owners get
rid of their "old" tech gear and buy more new stuff.
Wasn't HP the company that was saving and preserving the "vintage"
computer equipment turned back in to them? I think I read something
about this on their web site, or somewhere, about a year or two ago.
That's not to say they weren't scrapping newer equipment, however, and
I don't recall reading how old the equipment had to be to qualify for
What do YOU think their primary motivation is??
"Re: Old computers from HP, maybe?"
It is a ONE-WAY process, of old computers going TO HP to remove them from
Yep... even the vintage ones if they still save them from being
scrapped; surely they still get sent off to a warehouse somewhere to
keep them out of circulation. Speaking of circulation, an HP-3000
Series III computer running MPE-IV was used to process data for the
circulation department of the Baltimore Sun back around 1990... it was
quite a contrast to see that, and it's disk farm, right across the
room from a sea of big blue cabinets for an IBM mainframe system.
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