On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Mike wrote:
testing for the number of sectors. Does someone know
where such a
program may be located?
Drives don't have sectors.
Sorry in the earlier post Tony was referrring to
head steps rather than
For 5.25" drives, there are 40 track and 80 track (and in lesser
quantities 35 track and 77 track).
But 720K, 1.4M, and 2.8M are all 80 track, at 135 tracks per inch.
(There were a few 40 track 3.5" (67.5tpi) drives, but they are quite
>> The method I use is to hook the drive up to
an exerciser and check for
>> (a) the number of head steps between the limits (40 -> 360K, 80 ->
>> possible 1.2M, but maybe a standard data rate only drive, giving 720K on
>. a pC). And (b) the index timing -- can the thing give 6 index pulses per
>> second (360rpm) or not?
The 720K being referred to is DSDD 5.25"
drives with 96tpi, NOT 3.5"
With the exception of some of the rarer early Sony drives (600RPM), and
the early Mac drives, ALL of the 3.5" drives are 300 RPM.
Therefore, the 300 v 360RPM technique that sometimes works for
differentiating between 5.25" "360K" v "1.2M" drives doesn't
help for 3.5"
Look for a media ID sensor, and check the model number.