From: "barythrin at gmail.com" <barythrin at gmail.com>
I'm guessing you're asking about the "option board" so since I
didn't see it get mentioned the full name is central point (deluxe) option board.
Central point was the manufacturer if you want to google around for more info.
Others already mentioned the useful details though. Was for backing up floppies regardless
of format. (Not necessarily dos/fat-12 disks).
Also could copy some copy protected disks. Sorta useful these days when the software is no
longer in production or any other format.
C: I'm not so much interested in backing up copy protected disks (I have a few I
guess) as in gaining access to otherwise hidden information.
???? Incidentally if you wanted to gain access to transitions in flux (density?),
wouldn't it make the most sense to tap in near the read/write head? Just aft of the
flux capacitior. Which is just forward of the flux thyristor. Just a hop, skip, and jump
from the flux transducer...and so on.