Best way is have monitor shop or someone who repairs electronics
fetched repair the lisa's power supply module. You can take it out
as a unit from back after popping the back by hand. :) No screws
needed. Nice!
Better rebuild it with new capacitors and few semiconductors as
needed to replace any burnt parts, the main switching transformer
ever very rarely fail.
No point to have a dead and a working power supply if it's so rare
The cost of labor and components are not that much compared to
overall of the value of this lisa, the LISA itself is very
collectiable item!
There's are two types of this power supplies.
Jason D.
I have been looking for a power supply for my Lisa II for some time now,
but as Lisa seem to be very rare in the UK I have had no luck so far. I
guess they are more common in the US, so I am putting out this email in
the hope of finding someone who has a spare they can let me have.
I know of someone who would be willing to transport one back from the
Bay Area this weekend which would be real good because it would save a
lot in shipping costs.
Many thanks for listening...
Old Computer Collector: