Just in reference to your comment on the caps.common mythology is once the =
caps blow, that's it, board is gone.
I'm not got at electronics, don't know how true that is.
In general when an electrolytic capacitor (the type that fails the
most) fails on such a board, it does notdo any ther damage. The unit
stops working, but will be fine if you replace the capcitor. And givne
that such capacitors are easy to obtain, it's not a big prblem to do
this. Well, unless you're one of the people who beleive that soldering is
impossible :-)
But it reminded me of another old related
question,could you today, build a=
brand new 1541 with current parts?
No, I don'tthink it is
It's been a logn time since I've been insdie a 1541, and tghere are at
least 2 main verisons of the main PCB. THe older one used anumber of
small chips and a ROM for the data encodign/decoding, the later one
(qhich ahs at least 2 sub-versions) used a 40 pin custom IC.
Needless to sya that custom IC is not goign to be available.
I don't think the 6502 is still beiugn made as a 40 pin DIL chip, is it?
There are plenty of them around, thouhg. Some of the TTL parts fro the
first verison fo the board may bbe no logner maide, but again, gettign
them as NOS is not hard.
So I think, if tyou wanted to, you could ake the controlelr board using
at orst NOS parts, and close equivalents, like EPROMs raehr htan ROMs I
also think, withoug trying it, you could fit the entier controlelr board
into an FPGA. Whehter you call that a 'clone' I don't know, It does the
smae things, it's the same design. But to me it's nto the same circuit.
The problkem, I think, is the mechcnail side. The 1541 is not a normal
drive + a controlelr board. It's a bare drive chassis + controller board.
What I mean by that is that all the elctroncis -- things like the head
amplifier, the stepper mtoor driver, etc are on the controller board. The
drive chasiss is just the motors, heads, etc.
So if ytou want ti to be 'origianl' you can't jsut use a standard drive.
You have ot use one with the sutiable motors, etc. And given that 5.25"
drives are n logner made, you are not foinf to find a current one.
My guess, again without trying it, is that given any 48tpi 5.25" drive
you could make a controller board using easily avialable parts (not
necessarily ones in currnet procduction, but you could probably do that
too if you don't maind it all going in one FPGA), that would act jsut
likea 1541. Whether that's a clone of a 1541 is open to debate, though.