On Sun, Jun 11, 2000 at 10:03:50PM -0700, sjm wrote:
Hey teen gang,
Does anyone have an Ultrix 4.4 (RISC) distribution CD-ROM they'd like
to part with, or make a copy of? I have a license but no media,
and I'd prefer not to try to deal with the Compaq Empire if I can
avoid it.
(P.S. - Plus, technically I'm kinda grey on whether the license I
have represents a "legitimate transfer of right to use" or not.
But since Ultrix is officially a deader-than-dead end-of-lifed
"These aren't the droids you're looking for; why don't you talk to
our nice Tru64 salespeople?" type of software, I don't really care :)
I just want to install the damn thing on a DECstation 5000/200)
(P.P.S. - Yes, I know NetBSD is better, and supports DECstations.
But I want Ultrix for reasons far beyond the understanding of
mortal men.)
(P.P.P.S ...Or women.)
I've got a complete set of Ultrix 4.4 for DECstation (RISC) on
TK50 tape, if anybody's interested in swapping VAX/VMS stuff
for it....
| Bill Bradford | Austin, Texas |
| mrbill(a)sunhelp.org | mrbill(a)mrbill.net |