I'd like to say hi but I'm booked for the next two evenings.
I need a little more warning.
Date: Sat, 3 May 2014 20:52:23 -0500
Subject: Re: In Bay Area
From: useddec at
To: cctalk at
If you come across any H960's I'd be interested
Thanks, Paul
On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 11:17 AM, William Donzelli <wdonzelli at gmail.com>wrote:
> I will be in the Bay Area for a few days, starting tomorrow afternoon. Do
> any of the usual suspects want to get together? And when is pizza night?
> Also, it turns out that I have a lot of room for haulage leaving
> California. I can haul alot from the Bay Area to Chicago, and a smaller
> amount (less than a rack) all the way to New York. Sorry for the short
> notice, but that is how this cookie has crumbled.
> --
> Will