It was thus said that the Great Tony Duell once stated:
But oddly enough, if you look at the 8080
instruction set through octal
eyes, it makes sense. Heck, the 8086 instruction set as see through octal
I'd not thought of it before, but you're right.. Things like the
register-register MOV instruction are easy in octal...
It did surprise me when I first realized it. I even made up opcode maps
(2D tables with all the opcodes mapped into the appropriate place) using
four 8x8 tables and it's a lot cleaner than the single 16x16 table I made.
I forgot where I got the idea to view the 8086 code through octal, but I
think I may have gotten the idea from a book on the 8080 or Z80.
Did any machine languages ever write the opcodes like
that, I wonder?
No, but for some machines it would make sense (say, for the 68k, where
most instuctions follow a 4:3:3:3:3 format)
Now that wouldn't look too bad in octal, would it ?
For most of the instructions it wouldn't be bad. But for the branch
instructions it would be (which are 4:4:8 format).
-spc (More used to hex than octal though ... )