I take a perverse delight in seeing how some can
capitalize on some
fast talking or another's lack of the ability to think clearly.
Right now, one of the "hot" areas is cold fusion-ish projects:
At least nucear fusion (at any temperature) is not contrary to any known
laws of physics. There is a possibility (albeit a small one in my
opinion, bit that is just my opinion) that a cold fusion device can be
made to work.
Perpetual motion machiens on the other hand violate at least one of the
lwas of thermodynamics. Now, there's a small possibility that said laws
are wrong. There is also a small possibility that gravity will stop
working tomorrow. But I am not worried about waking up and finding my
cklasisc computers floating aroudn the room. And yet people still try to
make perpetual motion macvhiens, or something similar.
[I must admit that when I was quite young, I read that a DC motor and
geenrator were eessetianlly the same thing. Spinnign a small motor of the
ype used in toys did, indeed generate a voltage that I could read on my
mete. I spnt some time playing with different typs of motor,s gearing
them together in various ways, trying to make a thing that could generate
the power needed to run the motor that turned the gears and generator...
Of coruse it never worked. Some years later I found out _why_ it never
worked. But I am not sure I was totally foolish for trying. Was I?]