Problem - I
can't find one anywhere! Does anyone know of a card that does
BOTH PAL-I and NTSC or do I need to get 2 cards? And will 2 cards live
happily together in the same box?
Well.... My PowerMac 8500/180 came with that capability builtin :^) I
don't know if other A/V Mac's have this capability or not.
It should work, I've heard of people doing it on a 7600 before. It's just that
the 7300 has the A/V connector on the board removed, so I can't grab an
A/V module and stick it in. Never mind, I like the card better anyway. :-)
----------------------------- personal page: --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser(a)
-- Just another Sojourner of the Dispersion (1 Peter 1:1) ---------------------