> that's not so much of an issue, just locating
a mating connector is.
> Thanks for any help determining how to describe this.
The 3 dimensions that are normally quoted are the diameter of the centre
pin on the chassis connector, the overall diameter of the cable-mounted
connector, and tength of the barrel on the latter. Normally the first is
sufficient to identify the conenctor
No idea if it's standard outside RatShack, but they use letter
designations for the various sizes:
I dnon't think it's a true standard, but Maplin (UK hobbyist 'electornic'
shop) have a similar code. They sell little adapters with a different
type of coaxial poeer plug on one side and 2 pins on the other. These
plug into the cable from a wall-wart type of adapter (they fit both ways
round so you cna get eiother polarity on the coaxial plug). They also
sell a cable with the necessary 2-pin socekt on one end and IIRC nothing
on the other end.
I bought just about all the adapters, and one of the cables. I fitted the
latter with a couple of 4mm plugs to go into my bench power supply. That
little kit has proved very useful for powering up all sorts of things.