OOps, I forgot to change the subject line on that last post.ead of "
Atari Unix " it should have been HP Printers. So here it is again
under the proper subject. I was in too much of a hurry and used an old
message to modify but failed to modify it completely.
Jim Isbell wrote:
I am trying to resurect some ancient HP laserjets.
Two Laserjet II's
and one Laserjet 4v. Prior to failure they were all three running
fine and giving nice output. Then each just stoped and began to give
the same error message, "50 Service". Just what does this mean? Is
it a counter that has to be reset or is there really something wrong
with them. If the latter I am going to pull the ink cartridges and
set them out by the curb. If the former, can someone shed some light
on the correct procedure to get them going again.