Rumor has it that Peter C. Wallace may have mentioned these words:
A bare 486 will probably not draw enough power,
especially if it not on a
working motherboard (its 1u CMOS so mainly draws dynamic power - no clock
- no power)
OK, believe it or not, RatShack may have had what I need in enough quantity
(Gasp) so I think I'm covered there. They had 1 Ohm 10W power resisters,
2/pack for $1.79. 5 packs, that should get me going. (I may have to set up
2 PS's).
As an offtopic question: how much heat will the sand/cement-type wirewound
resistors emit? Can I heat-shrink 2 of them together and be OK, or will it
get too hot & melt/crack the tubing? I'm thinking "small modules" of 2
of these... fewer connections floating around is good. ;-)
The PS wanted 3A at 5V, and the hard drives (working or otherwise) I had
kicking around only ate .7A to .8A each, so I'd have needed 4+ of them -
assuming they'd draw that much current w/no 12V going to it.
WRT the CPU needing a clock - I could grab a 5V can oscillator from a dead
mobo & feed it a clock... Maybe I'll diddle with that *anyway* just because
I'm durned curious now... ;-) Just think: A variable dummy load; set it to
how much power you want it to eat just by changing the oscillator... ;-) I
was not told what kind of enclosure this was going in, so I didn't know if
there'd be room for the whole mobo; or used headlamps, or... which is why I
was thinking CPU.
Ah well... thanks for all the advice, guys!
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at
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