On Sep 13, 2007, at 4:03 AM, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
I first came
across this myself in the mid-90s. I'd picked up a
copy of
"Elektor" for the first time in almost 10 years and was surprised
that they
didn't provide any listings of any form for the projects based
around PICs,
you had to send away for pre-programmed parts.
That's about when I remember seeing it happen; also with an article in
(possibly) PE&EE about building a Z80-based SBC that ran Forth.
These days when you can build a simple PIC or ATMEL programmer from
a couple
of components, or buy an EPROM programmer off eBay for about a tenner,
there's not really an excuse.
Ob. on-topic: does anyone remember the Forth SBC article I was
talking about,
and does a copy of it exist online anywhere?
I'd like to see that too, if anyone finds it.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL
Farewell Ophelia, 9/22/1991 - 7/25/2007