This talk about stack smashing brought up an interesting memory. I don't
think I've ever seen a description of a special project that I worked on in
the early 70's while at CDC SSD.
This was a project for the Air Force Logistics Command, called Advanced
Logistics System or ALS. The idea, which was pretty darned advanced for
the time, was to maintain a real-time online database of all materials
worldwide managed by AFLC. Each item would be tagged with a card and its
status and location maintained in a large shared database as it moved
through the system. Notions of equivalent and substitutible items were
part of the process and a whole pile of software that dealt with making
tradeoffs on time-to-delivery and priority was to be written. Yes, this
also included nuclear devices.
The programming of the applications was done by something like 1400 GSA
personnel writing reams and reams of COBOL.
Initially, most of the big-iron vendors submitted responses to the RFP.
The first time, only CDC managed to pass the benchmark and it was decided
to release a revised RFP that would enable more than one vendor to qualify.
In the end, IBM managed to get the benchmark to run, but refused to submit
a bid. This project was a huge cash cow for CDC, bringing in over $500M
over the first half of the 1970's.
The hardware was pretty straghtforward. Up to 4 CYBER 74s couipled to 4MW
of ECS and multiple-access controllers on the mass storage (a farm of 844
disk drives), tapes and unit record equipment. Remote terminal equipment
was 1700 minis connected to various third-party small card-handling
equipment. I think the modems for the leased lines were Milgo.
But the operating system was the interesting part. An application consisted
of a number COBOL modules, each running as an independent task grouped
together in a job called a "chain". Modules were normally resident in ECS
and swapped into any available machine for running. Inter-module
communication was performed via a special COBOL CALL statement, with normal
COBOL parameter passing. Each machine cluster could run 128 chains
consisting of 64 modules.
The odd part of this was that all of those wonderful COBOL rules for
parameter conversion had to be implemented in executive (privldeged) mode.
In fact, other than for device drivers, the whole operating system was
located in the CPU, which was very unlike most other CDC operating systems.
Data management was a bit bizarre, operating outside of the normal file
system, but running as its own set of modules.
Eventually, Proxmire called a halt to the project, but I think it
represents an interesting milestone in large online database applications.
I don't recall any protection issues arising as part of this. Each module
was constrained by its own RA and FL and communication with other modules
was vetted by the OS executive. To be fair, the CDC machines did not have
to deal with issues of virtual memory and the XJ instruction was very fast,
saving and reloading the entire register file more than twice as quickly
as it could be done with programmed loads and stores. While never
implemented, it would have been easy for the lead (master) module in each
chain to constrain what a member module could or could not do. Database
record locking was done on a module basis, but a lock could be passed from
one module to another within the same chain.
Yet, I don't think one CDC programmer in 50 back then had ever heard of the
OS, called TCM (eventually rechristened Zodiac in honor of a certain
personage that was haunting the Bay Area at the time). I doubt that even
the most hard-bitten CDC retro freak even remembers it now.
Another blast from the past.