On 07/04/07, Jay West <jwest at ezwind.net> wrote:
I may be interested in the dynex drives if they could
be used on my Microdata. If no one takes the rack I may see if he'll sell
just the condor fan. I'm curious if anyone knows about VG datasystem 2000
System Industries.
Jay West
VG ( Formerly Vacuum Generators) had a number of identities, I
worked briefly for
VG Analytical in Manchester, UK in 1989. AFAIK all the VG
companies manufactured lab instruments eg mass spectrometers, HPLC. All the
kit I worked with had either PDP8, PDP11 or VS2000 attached to them for
control and data logging. Happy days toggling in the PDP8 bootstrap when the
hacked up version of OS8 fell over :)
I'm pretty sure VG vanished in the 90's when they were bought by Fisons.
Pete Edwards
"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future" - Niels