On 8/11/10 3:12 PM, MikeS wrote:
Give it up. No point in arguing with folks who have a
need to tell us at
every opportunity that they're smarter, better, whatever, than all those
Windows lusers out there; just smile tolerantly and ignore them.
Oh, never once have I asserted that. Again the fanboys choose to
twist my words in an effort to marginalize any statement disparaging
Windows. This isn't about ME, it's about Microsoft fanboys who pipe up
and deny the existence of the troubles that damn near everyone has with
that product line. This doesn't make ME any better, either in reality
or in my own mind. So, envision yourself as someone who has personally
cared very much for cars and car technology all your life, has seen such
fads come and go, and has a fiscal and professional responsibility to
use and sell what works. Now, if you knew of a group of near-religious
devotees to a particular brand of car that was widely known to regularly
catch fire while driving down the street in nearly all situations, so
blind in their devotion that they loudly assert that these failures
don't exist when the whole world sees them, how would you react?
I poke fun at the Microsoft-can-do-no-wrong crowd (which I was doing
at the start of this thread, because Will Donzelli amusingly suggested
that UNIX guys don't get laid) because they're very entertaining when
they keep pointing at the blue sky screaming that it's red, over and
over and over again, ad infinitum, ad nausem.
So, no, this is not about me, and I'm sorry, I'm not going to allow
you to label it as such.
I'm trying to explain myself here, not justify my position...I have no
need to do the latter, while doing the former seems necessary when
people try to dismiss an argument by restating it incorrectly.
In the interest of on-topicness (topicicity?) I will drop this thread
if you guys will. I like and respect most everyone here, and I don't
really enjoy pooping in my own yard. I regret that this has gone this
far, but I could not let certain statements stand.
Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL