I managed to locate two nicely working RK05J drives (though the voice
coil/head assemblies were removed but I'm trying to get two more from
another guy but damn, those things apparently weigh 80 pounds alone! Think
of the shipping costs! D:) and now I'm really intent on finding either a
PDP-8 or PDP-11 Omnibus system I can run them with. I have been trying my
local Craigslist (as well as others but the listings kept on getting
flagged) but it's a ghost town and I got leads at a place called FreeGeek in
Vancouver but they have never seen a PDP come in through their doors, ever.
I'm running out of places to search and ideas on how to bring my searching
for a PDP to the attention of people who have systems they no longer need or
are willing to part with theirs. I saw alt.sys.pdp8 and alt.sys.pdp11 but
they are both rather empty so I don't know if a yell for help would be heard
there. Any help or offers would be appreciated very much.
Also, most of the bulbs on the front panels of the drives have burnt out.
Are these just regular 12v bulbs? I saw someone replaced the lights in their
drives with LEDs and that would be a bit nicer as LEDs would never have to
be replaced again.
Also, I received only the drives. I saw several flip chips in the thing and
a single empty slot. I'm assuming that the flip chips are the controller and
the empty slot contained a board which gave you a ribbon cable connection to
the omnibus backplane in the PDP or are the chips in the drives "fridge
logic" and I'm missing the controllers?