r.stricklin wrote:
On Apr 6, 2007, at 10:32 AM, Jules Richardson wrote:
I picked up a very nice RT system the other day
from a list member which
includes the 5085 graphics processor and 5081 colour display. We've just
been setting it up today (or trying to), and an obvious question arises...
Dang, I'm jealous. I've been looking for a 5080 attachment adapter for RT,
PS/2 or RS/6000 for a while now.
Well I shan't gloat - I'm not even sure how alive the system is yet :-) The
5085 passes diags and boots OK, so that side is good - but I've not got to
the RT side of things yet, other than to verify that the PSU is healthy and
that the CPU and memory pass diags.
The big problem is IBM's use of ESDI hard disks - if those are toast then,
whilst I think there's enough floppy media to reinstall AIX, coming by a
replacement ESDI drive (and more importantly an ESDI drive that AIX supports)
will be interesting.
If you can locate an old, dumb ISA --> ATA interface card and an ATA drive
of similar vintage (I have a 1GB seagate), it should work just fine as an
"ST412" disk subsystem.