Ernest wrote:
Based on the amount of emails that I received
from all over the world, about
this auction, I was a little surprised that it didn't end at a higher price.
This kind of thing happens all the time. I'm not interested in Altair's, or
even Apple I computers but people are willing to spend a lot of money to own
them. To each his own. I'm happy for them. Sometimes, people really want
something and they are willing to pay large amounts of money to get it. I
know that I've been guilty of doing that and I can think of very few times
when I regretted it. Apple II clones are my obsession, and there have been
times when I spent way more than I could logically justify to get them but
so what. It's my money.
I think I agree with what your saying. If a person really wants a
certain Apple // in a certain condition with certain manuals,
peripherals, etc, then only that person can determine how much it's
worth to him.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
There are always items on Ebay that go for absurdly high prices. That DEC
book by Gordon Bell for example keeps going for $50 - $60 per copy. You
would think its hard to come by or something. Well, its not. A PDP 11/70
front panel for $152.50, thats absurd. Only one person bids on a PDP 8/E
in pristine condition without any cards, so it goes for $500 while at
the same time a 8/E with a nice set of essential cards goes for $2,248.
Now thats absurd, and also explains how i'm able to get my 8's so cheaply.
Which is good, because I couldnt afford to buy even one 8/E at a $2,248
price tag ;)
Of course, my luck runs out when it comes to finding RK05's.
But an Apple ][ going for more than the price of an 8/E boggles the mind.
-Lawrence LeMay