On 9/2/10, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
A MINC is a lot more than just a PDP-11!
While that's certainly true, has anyone on the list ever done anything
with the Lab I/O stuff on a MINC? I got one years ago with all the
Sort of. With one of my Mincs, I removed the CPU, RAM and boot boards and
replaced the former with the Q-bus end of a DW-11B. That connected the
Lab I/O stuff (and the IBV11) to my 11/45 system.
I certainly have used the digital I/O modules like that. I think i tested
the ADC but never did much with it.
What MINC I/O modules are there? I have : ADC, DAC, clock, digital in,
digital out, DMM preamp (essentially V/mA/Ohms converters to feeed into
the ADC) and thermocouple preamp. I know there was an analogue mutiplexer
unit which I;ve not got. Any oters?
I seem to rememebr that having 2 clock modules in the same MINC is
desirable, you can use them to make a frequency counter or similar.
Has anyone ever seen the MINC BASIC system? It wsa essentally an
interpreted BASIC with routines to do thigns like generate and display
(on a VT105) a historgram of pulse heights, things like that. I don't
have it myself, I think I have some of the manuals for it.