On 1/15/14 7:38 PM, Mark J. Blair wrote:
one poster said that the PDP-12 was popular in medical research.
That was me.
Use by medical research goes back all the way to the original LINC, which was developed
under an NIH grant.
Most medical schools and VA hospitals had them (LINC-8's or PDP-12's).
The last surplus one I saw for sale out here was at Weird Stuff a LONG time ago (they
just moving out of the Milpitas location) that came from the VA in Palo Alto.
It doesn't surprise me at all that there would be waveform generators
along with this machine since the 12 has built-in A/D's and D/A's.
Lyle Bickley may have some comments on this as well, since he was the DECUS PDP-12 guy.