Warren Wolfe wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 12:19 -0800, Hex Star wrote:
Do those mass manufactured cds last longer then
cd-rs? How long do those
last? Why can't we create cds like those? (How do they do it?)
Yes, they last MUCH longer. If they started with gold foil, a
lifetime of many centuries would not be out of the question.
The problem is the massive expense of setting up the press to make
them. Once it is set up, pressing a million is not much money. But, if
the setup is for ONE of them.... Hoo, boy. I don't have a price -- I
just know *I* can't afford it.
As a related aside, I happened to have a scan of a Laserdisc cutting service
flyer from the 1980's. They quote ?395 for a acrylic RLV recordable Laserdisc,
?595 for glass, and mention that a master disc using conventional cutting
would normally average more than ?2500.
RLV is apparently single-sided, unlike conventional discs. This particular
cutter was made by the "Optical Disc Corporation of America".
Presumably CDs were in a similar sort of price bracket a few years after they
became popular, as were DVDs?