OK... I've just about had it with this ancient B&C Microsystems UP600a
- it _claims_ to support Atmel 22V10s, but I'm having no luck with
that. It also seems to be unhappy with some modern JEDEC files -
claming checksum errors and what not (on files generated and tested
moments before from .PLD files). It does OK with Lattice 22V10s and
AMD PALCE devices, as well as most 27(C)64s and larger, but it's
getting harder and harder to find old GALs.
So... I guess I have to find something new(er). Whatever replaces
this will need to be able to program EPROMs down to 2732s at least
(which should include 2716s), and 16V8 and 22V10 GALs. I'd say that
accounts for 95% of what I need to burn (if I have to burn a bipolar
PROM, I have ancient devices for just that task).
So what device programmers do people here have that they'd recommend?
I already have a dedicated PC attached to my current programmer, so I
guess it doesn't matter what a replacement programmer needs to talk to
- I'm already committed to supporting whatever box it needs to have
(annoying as that is).
Thanks for any recommendations,