Water was new to DEC required special people to fix it
and some sites
didn't like the idea or could not support water for the system.
From what I understand, DEC was amazingly inept at
dealing with water
NY some
of the older buildings took near a year to get adaquate power for smaller
machines. Water, forget about that.
I can agree to this, working enought with NYC and the thugs that run the
buildings. It took FOREVER for those guys to get ANYTHING done.
Oh, and bursting water pipes were always fun in NYC. At the AOL node at 60
Hudson street, we got flooeded not one, but twice. Both during the
holidays. The second time drenched us but did not kill us for long - it
did a good job killing off NASDAQs main node, however.
It was a good machine that held up well in use. The
bulk of them
succumed when installed (phase rotation had the blowers backward!)
and the usual field circus tricks.
Obviously DEC had not figured out the phase rotatiom sensor yet, unlike
most others.
As much as I might be razzing the 9000s, it is one of the two VAX machines
I want (the other being an 11/780 - hey, I went to school with one).
William Donzelli
aw288 at