Russ Blakeman wrote:
You know the wedge shape of the C64 is also excellent for use as a wheel
chock when you work on your car (grin). I can't believe that the unit made
it without busting all of the keys off having the drive on top of it.
Actually, all of the keycaps were intact if I remember correctly.
(Which is a little strange come to think of it...)
The real irony was that I'd bought both pieces for the 'look' of their
outer cases. (Read: non-yellowed, non-cracked, etc.) At that time, I
was cobbling together a 'factory-fresh' looking/working 64 system by
picking up whatever I could find on the cheap. (Some free, some EBay.)
Both the computer and the drive appeared pretty good in the auction
photos (as much as one can tell), but by the time they arrived here
they were fairly scuffed and marred. Aside from that, the only real
damage was that a few of the plastic 'hinges' that secure the 64's case
had snapped off clean. Plus, the bottom vent slats on the 1541 were
cracked. (At least the final auction price was low...)