On Wed, 7 Mar 2007, Jules Richardson wrote:
Jim MacKenzie wrote:
I just recently got approved as a participant on the list.
Welcome, pull up a VAX cluster etc. :-)
Speaking of which, and continuing my wantwantwant: does anyone have a
fairly recent OpenVMS VAX (i.e. beyond 7.3-something, whatever version
shipped TCP/IP with ssh v2, or better) ? In return I can assist with
from a recent-ish CONDIST for OpenVMS VAX.
That would be difficult. OpenVMS AXP can be done (but is not convenient
- I've been keeping tabs on the Hobbyist distro and they're trying to
remaster with v8.2, but it is slow).
v8.anything VAX would require acquisition of sources and backporting.
VAX support stopped at 7.3 (boo, hiss, and all that I suppose).
BTW, excl. a better SSH (which can be done with Multinet or TCPware,
www.process.com [they even have hobbyist licenses]) what are the
advantages of v8 for you?