On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Zane H. Healy wrote:
I have PCs running windows because I must, but I
don't need the latest
and greatest Microsoft offering, I am running Windows NT4.0 with Office
95 (which btw will soon be covered by the 10 year boundary :-).
I expect the 10 year boundary for the list may be revised soon ;)
Maybe the list simply needs to take a firm non-Windows stance, or else
specifically OK non-Windows HW that would otherwise be blocked by the 10
year (or whatever it might get expanded to) rule.
I for one don't care to see any posts about Windows, but wouldn't object to
posts about say the Amiga OS 4.0 beta or an SGI Tezro.
I think that's a bit absolute. In 6 years, when Windows 3.0 will be 20
years old, if someone wishes to set up a Windows 3.0 box for a historical
exhibit, it should be perfectly acceptable to discuss that here.
(I told you exceptions will apply ;')
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