What the heck was that thing? Was there ever a TI
that used 99/4As as terminals?
Jeffrey S. Sharp
I have a dim recollection of some kind of 990 used basically as a file
server for cartridge software that was downloaded to a special GRAM
cartridge, I think, on the 4A. Something along those lines. It was also
used at one or more of the early '80s CES shows, if I'm not mistaken.
Not sure if it was a serial data link or what, but I think the cartridge
titles showed up on the console menu screen. I may be confusing some of
this with the hard disk setup for the 4A that TI used internally.
You don't suppose you could get that maintenance guy to show you where
the machine is and check if there are any salvageable parts, if you get
a chance, do you?