To most of the kids in IT today, anything not a t least a P3 is a
"classic" and they have no clue what to do with it. These are the kids
that are being turned out by the MS certification mills. Last week I
had a newly minted MCSE tell me that the "net" command had been
discontinued with DOS. Heaven help me if I had presented her with a
Unix shell.
chris wrote:
Not exactly an
early one ... I guess in a few years they try
to sell us 486es as 'early' PCs :)
Why not, a friend of mine that is employeed as a IT manager told me the
other day about an unlabeled computer he wanted to give me that had
"antique memory" in it. I was all excited wondering what he might have
that could be "antique".
It turned out to be a generic Pentium 90 with 72 pin SIMMs!!!