Well, I did the bit reversal TWICE, so of course the end result was wrong!
Fixed that, fixed up a little bug in resetting the file mark detection
flag in
the wrong place, and I now have a rough program that maps the files
of a tape.
here's a snip of what I got.
DD%% 1
HDR1SAMBR .CTL RT110100010001000100 00000 00000
file 0 had 2 blocks 0 errors 0 timeouts blocksize was 512
HDR1SAMBR .BAK RT110100010001000100 00000 00000
file 1 had 2 blocks 0 errors 0 timeouts blocksize was 512
HDR1SAMBR .FOR RT110100010001000100 00000 00000
file 2 had 4 blocks 0 errors 0 timeouts blocksize was 512
and so on.
(Note the RT11 header labels above. I sort of thought this tape would
have been
from RSX-11M, but it must have been made before we
switched. Whew,
that's going
BACK a ways, about 1976 or 77 when we went to RSX. The actual tape I'm
was a 6250 BPI copy of the original tape (probably 1600 BPI) from back
then. This copy
was probably made 15 years ago, though.)
I'm now working on a program to move the entire tape to a single disk file
with pretty much verbatim bytes from the tape. It will have a 32-bit
header for each record of file mark, showing the record size or file mark.
Then I can write programs at my leisure to extract files without having to
listen to the wail of the Gast vane pump in the keystone tape drive.
Oh, the performance seems to be pretty good. it was streaming fairly well
at either 25 or 75 IPS in 6250, I suspect it will certainly stream at 75 IPS
with a 1600 BPI tape.