I have these two external drive cases, once called "Leprechaun boxes";
one held an external RD52 and one held an external TK50 - same enclosure,
same PSU, different cable transition header at the back.
The problem is that every one of these that I've ever seen has had the
PSU die. One of these was repaired by my order (with company funds!)
about 15 years ago by ESS. I don't fancy a professional replacement
at this stage.
I do not have schematics. I do not not understand switching PSUs
well enough to do more than take stabs. I know they involve high
voltage, high-frequency oscillations, but that doesn't help me fix
them. :-( Is anyone on the list familiar with these enough to
suggest common failure modes?
If the case were a wee bit taller and wider, I'd consider putting
a commodity PSU in the cage. Don't think there's room for one in
there, though. Not desktop sized, anyway. Anyone have ratings for
the Leprechaun box? Looks like .45A @ 125V from the back, which tells
me that it's not a strong PSU (~60W max draw, so probably no more than
40-50W pull, I'd guess). I wish I'd bought more of these $5 tiny
cases at Dayton a couple of years ago - the PSUs will fit into your
palm and provide at least that much current (enough to drive a small
PeeCee motherboard and a 3.5" drive).
Thanks for any assistance.
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